Thursday, August 30, 2012

Drag Racing

I love hearing about the things you want to do!  Those are some very good ideas  you both came up with.  I responded to your guys comments.  If you go back through the blog posts if you posted a comment I responded to them underneath :)

Jackson how is school going?  What do you do at school?  Do you have a favorite subject yet?  Hagve you still been practicing piano?  I am so proud of you!

Heidi are you having fun with daddy?  What do you during the day?  I miss calling you, I am not sure where to call you but as soon as I find out I will give you a call.  I miss you and want to gvive you big hugs and sing you big songs and tickle you unti you fall asleep. 


Before the cars race they rev their engines and do an excercise where they warm up the tires.  It is very loud and they make a lot of smoke and burn a lot of rubber off of the tires.  Then they back up and when the light turns green they are off.  They go very very fast. 

This video is the cars warming up their tires.  They burn rubber off their tires it smells like tires and there is a lot of smoke.  This is blue car I think is a mustang, but I am not sure. 

Its hard to understand how loud it was when you arent there.  But ill just tell you.... it was loud :)
This is the same car seeing how fast he can go.
Motorcycles ridign were really cool.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten

10 things Mommy wants to do with Jackson and Heidi when I get home

1.  Go Bowling
2.  Teach Jackson and Heidi a card game
3.  Make cookies
4.  Movie Night!
5.  Give Jackson and Heidi a piano lesson
6.  Tickle Jackson and Heidi
7.  Go to the haloween store
8.  Paint Halloween decorations
9.  Snuggle and read a story
10. Give BIG hugs and kisses to Jackson and Heidi

Can you think of 10 things you want to do when I get home?

I found this Halloween picture from a couple years ago... You guys look so great!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Smelly Jelly!

About Jellyfish -
Some Jellyfish sting but not these ones. These ones cant hurt you because they are very small and they have no tenticals. You can see from the picture why they are called jelly fish they are just... jelly. If I tried to bring one home for you it wouldnt last very long, it would turn back into water. They are very fragile. This one washed up on the shore and will dry out. I will try to find a starfish for you. :)

a message for Heidi

Hello my sunshine!  My beautiful princess!  How are you doing?  I miss seeing your smile in the morning and hearing your sweet laugh at night.  You are just the little girl I always wanted and always love!  Thank you for being my daughter.

I hope you are having fun with daddy!  I know he is glad to be able to spend more time with you!  I am looking forward to all the fun things we are going to do when I get home!  Do you have anything special you want to do?  We should make a list!

I want to spin you around in circles and throw you on the couch then snuggle and watch a cartoon and have popcorn!  I think we should do that.  Thank you for being so good for grandma and daddy while I am gone.  I am so glad to have such a good sweet girl! 

Can you believe next year YOU will be starting school too.  Just like Jackson you are getting so big so fast!  You bring joy to everyone around you with your wonderful smile and sweet personality.  You are getting too big too fast!  We are just going to have to stop feeding you so you can stay mommys little girl forever ;)

I love you forever,
I like you for always.
as long as Im living,
My baby you'll be.


a message for Jackson

So Jackson! Tomorrow you start school.  I am so proud of you and hope you have so much fun!  Its going to be busy busy.  Be good for grandma and your teacher... Í know you will be!  You are such a good boy and I am so glad you are my son!  I love you so much and wish I could be there to see you off but know that I am with you in my heart! 

Did you decide which shirt you are going to wear your first day of school?  Angry birds?  leggos?  The joke shirt?  Its a hard decision I know.  If you can ask grandma to take a picture of you before you go to school!  I would love that! 

Remember to smile at the kids and be friendly, you will have a lot of friends soon.  Just like last year.  It took some time to make friends but you will.  If someone dosnt want to be friends just find someone else who does :)  I was so proud of you last year for being friends with that little boy  who got picked on sometimes.  And you helped him a lot and you did it in just the right way.  You got other friends to help you. 

I know you do that for Heidi too and she is so lucky to have a big brother like you!  You watch out for her and help her stay safe and that makes mommy so happy!  You two will be best friends for a very long time and remember sometimes even best friends fight but in the end they are still best friends that is what makes it so special.

I want to hear all about your first day of school so if you want to write about it you can ask grandma to help you or you can tell me about it when i call... or both :)  

I love you so much, all the way to the sun and the moon and back,

Weekend Fun

I really liked getting your comments on the blog.  I wasnt sure how to see them at first so I didnt find it.  But now I know!  It sounds like you are having fun riding waverunners, playing at the beach, driving four wheelers, wow!

This weekend I went bowling with Rogers girls.  I am looking forward to going bowling with you guys when I get home.  Rogers girls are Michelle who is 8 years old and Nicole who is 6 years old.  She is the same age as you Jackson.  They are very nice and I think you guys would like them a lot.  They are trying to help me learn swedish.  They went back with their mom now but they were here Saturday and Sunday.

Nicole, Me, Michelle, and Natalie, Natalie is a neighboor friend, also the same age as Jackson.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Ocean!

I love the ocean and I thought you might like to see it.  I went to swim in the ocean the other day!  It was a lot of fun.  there are jelly fish in the water swimming around with me.  They are very delicate and break very easy!  I didnt get a picture of them but next time i go i will take a picture so you can see them too. 


I love you so much and hope you have a good day.
love mommy

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Malmo Festival

In Malmo they had a big festival... we went during the day so there werent as many people there but in the evening there are so many people...millions of people come from all over.  It is kind of like peach days but bigger and in sweden :) 

They had a lot of pople singing or playing instruments as you walked by.

There were lots of little booths selling things and rides and they have food from all over the world. I tried some of the food from this place...  i cant remember now where it was from but it was like a scone with onions and sour cream and cheese... tastey

There is a lot of water in Sweden.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunset from the plane

i made it here safe and sound. I will try to call tonight and am working on getting everything set up soon so i can chat with u gys better. it may take a few days.

jackson, are you being good for daddy? I miss you and think about you all of the time. I have been telling Anki stories about you. She misses you too. Do you remember when she came up last year? she is Rogers mom. Id like to hear all about what you are doing if you want to tell daddy he can type it for you while i get things set up for the next day or two so we can talk better :) Thank you for taking such good care of Heidi :) did you listen to the cd i made for you? or open any of the presents? I think today you should have daddy let you pick one out for sure. then tell me what it was and if you like it. But remeber you have to be good ;)

Heidi, hey princess. How are you*? mommy misses you like crazy espeshally at night who am i supposed to sing too ;) Are you having fun on the farm and being nice to your brother. I want you to be really good today and daddy will let you open a present from mommy... (if thats ok with daddy ;) I want to hear all about the things you are doing if you tell daddy what you want to say he can type it for you. I will try to call very soon but it might take a day or two for me to get everything set up. I love you so much and miss you and think about u all the time.''

everyone, the plane ride was very long but fun. I saw the eiffaal tower in france and im sry about spelling I was so excited to see it along the horizon. i hope some day jackson adn heidi are able to go on an airplane i think they would really like seeing the world from that high up... in the airport i tried talking to a lady from chillie she didnt speak any english but was very enthusiastic about trying to tell me about her trip and everything, most of it i didnt understand at all. we pretty much ended up saying a lot of "oh yes very beautiful" haha. I didnt have any problems getting my medicine through customs which is good and i have started taking less prednizone so hopefully that will help mommy start to feel better.'

when i got here we went walking to a little cafe and went out to eat. I had some greek food... funny i went to sweden to get greek food :P it was very good. I was very tired tho i was not able to sleep on the plan at all except once after the plane had landed and we were taxing into the airport... yes... then i finally fall asleep...

I love you, ill write again soon,

Princess and Pirates Day

Jackson, Heidi, and Mommy went to Princess and Pirates Day!  We had so much fun! 

 Heidi and the Peach Queen, 2012

 Jackson and the Peach Queen

 Mommy and Jackson

 Heidi getting a kitty painted on her face

 Jackson with a pirate hat and scull painted on his face


Pin the belt on the pirate